Home » Invisible Character

Method 1: Copy Blank Text using the Button

By clicking the copy button, invisible text is instantly copied to your clipboard.

This is the easy and quickiest way in which you can copy and paste the invisible character instantly.

If this method doesn’t work, use the 2nd or 3rd method.

Method 2 - Copy manually

Select the empty text in the box below by clicking the select button. Then press the CTRL+C on Windows or Command+C on macOS to copy invisible characters. Blank space will be copied to your clipboard.

To test the copied text, paste it in the Test box below or click on the upper right corner's green button to test.

Method 3: Generate Custom Blank Text

Type the number of invisible characters you want to produce in the box and hit the Generate button. Then click on "Copy Blank Text" button and the invisible string will be copied to the clipboard.

Test it

To be sure your generate text is invisible, TechMatly has provided a testing feature. You can copy text your invisible text and paste it into the test box. If you do so and the grey placeholder text disappears, then yes, you have invisible text.

Character: 0

Also Available in Other Languages: Spanish, Indonesia, Brazil

Invisible Character

Invisible character is a whitespace character in text that does not display a visible text or symbol but act as other real character and contains real text properties. Use our tool to generate invisible text!

What is Invisible Text

Invisible text is a type of invisible characters that are not visible to human eye or cannot seen by naked eye but it still act as actual character not space. Invisible characters considered as spam, while some may use blank text for legit purposes like using invisible name & bio for instagram profile, using invisible characters social apps for fun purposes and to hide name for PUBG & Fortnite.

How This Blank Text Tool Works

The blank text tool is very easy to use and offers three basic ways to generate blank characters;

  1. Copy Blank Text using the Button
  2. Copy it Manually
  3. Generate Custom Invisible Text
  4. Test Your Invisible Text

Use Copy Button

This is the easiest method to use invisible character. By clicking the copy button, invisible text is instantly copied to your clipboard.

You can test the generated text by pasting into “Test Box.”

Use Manual Method

Using manual method, you just need to click on “select text” button. And blank space text will be copied to your clipboard.

You can test the generated text by pasting into “Test Box.”

Use Custom Method

By using custom method, you can generate your desired amount of character that you want to use. Just type the number of character you need into the box and click on generate button. Once invisible text generated, you need to click on “Copy Text” button and empty text will be copied.

You can test the generated text by pasting into “Test Box.”

In the following table you can see [ ] brackets, each of them contains different unicode invisible character;

U+0020Space [ ]
U+00A0No-Break Space [ ]
U+2000En Quad [ ]
U+2001Em Quad [ ]
U+2002En Space [ ]
U+2003Em Space [ ]
U+2004Three-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2005Four-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2006Six-Per-Em Space [ ]
U+2007Figure Space [ ]
U+2008Punctuation Space [ ]
U+2009Thin Space [ ]
U+200AHair Space [ ]
U+2028Line Separator
U+205FMedium Mathematical Space [ ]
U+3000Ideographic Space [ ]

You can also read more about unicode invisible character on WikiPedia.

Features of Empty Text Tool

This invisible character come along with awesome features that makes it stand from other websites. Some of the following features are below that can make you choose TechMatly as first choice. Let’s discuss them one by one;

Multiple Invisible Characters

generate custom invisible characters

The tool offers flexibility in generating invisible characters. Users can choose exactly how many they need, from none up to ten or more, catering to various formatting requirements.

Easy to Use

The tool is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users can generate hidden characters quickly and without any hassle. With just a few clicks, you can achieve the desired outcome.

Copy and Paste Empty Text

Our tool enhances convenience with a one-click feature that allows users to copy invisible characters to their clipboard. This means you can instantly paste the blank text wherever you need it, streamlining your workflow and saving time.

Totally Free

This tool is completely free to use. There are no hidden charges or subscription fees, making it accessible to everyone who needs it.

User-Friendly UI

The user interface is intuitive and straightforward, making it easy for users of all skill levels to navigate and use the tool effectively.

Easily Accessible

Our tool is available online, which means you can access it anytime and anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.

Desktop and Mobile Friendly

Whether you’re on a desktop computer or a mobile device, the tool is fully responsive and adapts to your screen size for optimal usability.

These features combined to make the Invisible Character Generator Tool a convenient and practical choice for users looking to manage text formatting in creative and unobtrusive ways.


Where Invisible Text Can Be Used

Invisible characters can be used in many different places, including: 

  • Invisible Name for Social Media Apps: You can use invisible characters to create a username that is unique to you on social media platforms like Twitter, and Instagram. 
  • Hide Your Gaming Profile Name: You can generate funny names to use as usernames for gaming platforms like PUBG or other mobile apps.
  • Empty Messages in Message Apps: Invisible characters help you send empty messages on texting apps such as WhatsApp. 
  • Web Design: Invisible texts are an integral part of web design. They can be applied to improve the spacing and layout of web pages, thereby accomplishing a uniform and professional outlook.
  • Data Manipulation: Another benefit of invisible characters is that they can be used for data manipulation. They are suitable for data processing and can be used to separate or format information properly. 

Explore more tools like Wingdings Translator, Bold Text Generator, Instagram Font Generator, Cursive Text Generator & Twitter Fonts.


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